Monday, 31 October 2011

The New American
This is a Christian Television Network website although it may not seem to relate to De Crevecouers' ideas or that of American exceptionalism however it does. America was founded on religion and many Americans such as De Crevecouer had a puritan work ethic this was the idea that if you work hard then you will gain reward. De Crevecouer discusses this pleasure most thoroughly in Letter II declaring his enjoyment for work and the rewards it brings him not necesessarily through money but through doing a hard days work. This notion I feel is kept in America today and it is in part due to the religious belief that is in America to this day. No other country in the Western world believes like America. As another point of reference on American Religion are the Louis Theroux documentaries.

Exploration and Expectation
This is an account by William Bartram he explored through North and South Carolina. He describes how the Native Americans he met had already made contact with White European settlers by looking at their equipment and from discussion with them. He describes the areas he goes to in great depth to describe his surroundings for example 'the leave are lanciolate and intire, two or three inches in length one in breadth' To pay this much attention to detail of the landscape he must have found the area fascinating. The way he describes it also shows though it is wonderous in its beauty it is also untamed land that one must be wary of and always keep on guard 'having good reason to dread the subtle attacks of the allegators, who were crouding about my harbour'. Although this was written in the 1700's much of America was still wild and would if possible strike you down at the first opportunity and this I find important as it wasn't only a new life that they were looking for but to protect themselves from the elements that were posed against them.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Big government is a website containing political articles, one of which, created by a financial writer called Chris Street, looks at American exceptionalism which is a theme seen throughout De Crevecoeur’s book. Street writes about the recession in America in great detail using statistics to show the struggle many Americans are going through. By first looking at the negatives, Street then looks at the factors which will enable America to gain the advantage over other countries once again. By looking at the two quotes below, one which is located at the beginning and one located at the end of the article, you can see that Street believes that America's economy is now back on its way back to greatness and therefore the USA can be seen again as the land of opportunity;

'that will lead to result a rebirth of American manufacturing, coupled with positive business trends'

'Once again, America increasingly looks positioned to economically dominate the 21st Century.'

The word in these quotes that sticks out is 'rebirth' as in De Crevecoeur’s book he is constantly referring to America as being born and uses the word 'new' regularly. Both writers describe the USA in a positive way as a land where anyone can succeed with an obvious difference being that Street is describing a boom in modern industry and doesn't look at the land owning and farming boom described by De Crevecoeur;

'you will easily be made acquainted with the happy effects which constantly flow, in this country, from sobriety and industry, when united with good land and freedom.'

The New and Exceptional America

The website "Common Dreams" written by professor Olga Bonfiglio, examines Godfrey Hodgson's book, "The Myth of American Exceptionalism." This modern view of America can be compared to De Crevecoeur's "Letters From an American Farmer"because both texts discuss the newness and exceptionality of America.
Firstly, an example of De Crevecoeur expressing America's newness and exceptionality is found in Letter III, "What is an American?" This question is answered when he states that an American is a person who, leaving his past country of "prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds." The repetition of 'new' greatly emphasises that America is unique and one of the reasons for this is because it has a shorter history compared to other countries such as Britain, consequently it has little tradition and culture therefore it must be created. However, this is viewed in a positive light because it allows America to distinguish itself from Europe. Furthermore, this passage implies that anyone can immigrate to America because once you enter the country you become an American. This seems to be an original idea that can be contrasted to American immigration to Britain, because it seems that Americans will always remain American in Britain because they are distinguished from us. In this respect, this proves that America offers a renewal or rebirth of an individual as it accepts anyone without distinguishing them or discriminating against them because of their background, allowing people to leave their past behind them and begin a new life for the better.
If anyone can become an American, this implies that Americans share certain values; ideologies. An example of this can be found in Godfrey Hodgson's book as he says that "colonialists saw themselves as a 'chosen people' destined to 'fulfill a unique historical destiny.'" Therefore this suggests that America is new and exceptional partly because of religion, as it implies that God predestined America to be unique from other nations. De Crevecoeur expands on this as he appears to compare America to the Garden of Eden because it is presented as a utopian society. This idea is still relevant today, as Hodgson states that presidents such as George.W.Bush have used religion to elevate America in times of crises. The combination of religion and politics is arguably a new and exceptional way of addressing and uniting the public. This also supports De Crevecoeur's view that America is a place without discrimination because the country follows Christian morals.
However, this common unity between Americans can be seen as detrimental and this is illustrated when De Crevecoeur states, "Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men." Arguably, this shows that the idea of newness and exceptionalism can be a negative aspect because the strive for a strong community minimises individualism.This point is also relevant in modern times, as Hodgson makes reference to the Cold War when there was a "new militant sense of exceptionalism." America's reasoning behind the arms race was to protect the threat of communism, therefore further proving that America is unwilling to accept those who oppose American ideology or those who are individualistic, portraying the country as obtaining old and outdated viewpoints rather then new and progressive ones. Also, America's constant struggle to create new and exceptional ideas can cause serious problems, as the nuclear weapons formed may have increased knowledge in technology, but the nuclear weapons also had the potential to destroy the Earth.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

I chose this article to study as i found it interesting due to its talk on the struggle of the first settlers into James town. The article talks about first settler Captain John Smith and his crew and how they managed to form a colony in James town despite the rivalry between them and the already colonised Algnquian Indians.

'Almost immediately after landing, the colonists were under attack from what amounted to the on-again off-again enemy, the Algonquian natives.' This struck me as i wasnt aware that there was such majour conflict between the two, a state of war almost, telling me of the clear passion and pride the Native Americans must of had in their land. 'While disease, famine and continuing attacks of neighboring Algonquians took a tremendous toll on the population, there were times when the Powhatan Indian trade revived the colony with food for copper and iron implements.' This comment also struck me as it shows again the tremendous struggle the first European (Spanish) settlers must have had when they first arrived and by pushing through the struggle how determined they were to claim the land as theres and revel in their discovery. However as this extrect goes on it talks about how they were partners in trade, suggesting there must have been some sort of understanding and unity between the two settlers at some point.

'It appears that eventual structured leadership of Captain John Smith kept the colony from dissolving. The "starving time" winter followed Smith's departure in 1609 during which only 60 of the original 214 settlers at Jamestown survived.' This interested me as i had never heard of the 'Starving time' before and it gives a better insight into what life must have been like for settlers, lack of food and how there must have been a definate struggle to establish a strong supply of food which ultimatly has shaped the population of today.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Account of an early settler in the United States

This is an account of a French settler: Etienne Veniard de Bourgmont who describes Louisiana in great detail. The first striking aspect is the description of the landscape as Bourgmont states "This island is all sand," therefore this implies that there were little resources and consequently it must have been difficult to inhabite. However, he then surprisingly explains that the little woods they had were suitable to make "masts of ships" because they contained large amounts of sap, therefore this proves that they had the necessary resources and it also implies that the settlers had to consider the matter of moving in an urgent situation, as the materials needed to make ships are mentioned. This implies that land could be occupied by others and there is also the possibliity of running out of resources, forcing settlers to move. Furthermore, he states that the sand "produces much grass to feed the cattle," as a result, the settlers had access to food and the cattle would have nourished the land making it useful for a long period of time. Another interesting point is the use of the word 'island' as clearly Louisiana is not an island, as today it would be called a state because it now has its own independance.
Additionally, Bourgmont mentions the "frame houses" which settlers lived in. These were made from wood and mud which may seem basic but they provided settlers with necessary warmth and shelter. Furthermore, the building of these houses demonstrates a strong sense of community as it would have taken the co-operation of many in order to build these. The establishment of these houses also shows the intention of the French to attempt to settle in Louisiana as it offered all of the resources they required.
Bourgmont also mentions that "tobacco does not grow at all badly" which appears promising because tobacco could be sold for large sums of money, therefore the settlers would have had an advantage from this resource. There is also the ability to trade as Bourgmont describes two harbours which could be used to buy and sell goods from other parts of America and from around the world. Another benefit was the discovery of a tree bark that was said to cure "swellings of the gums" and he further explains that the Indians used this "with success." This statement suggests that Europeans learned many necessary skills and practices from the Native Americans and it also demonstrates the early stages of medicine, seeing as settlers were only able to use the natural resources around them.
However, there are also negative aspects to settling in this part of America, as Bourgmont explains that the lower part of the Mississippi river contains "crocodiles, snakes and other insects." This shows that the natural landscape and wildnerness of America can also be detrimental as there are many dangerous wild animals that occupied the same areas as humans. Another danger is presented in some of the Native Americans, as the Colapissa tribe "consists of about 300 men bearing arms." This suggests that some tribes were very protective of their land therefore Europeans were not able to dominate Native Americans easily. It further insinuates that men were prepared to fight whereas the women generally stayed at home, for example Bourgmont claims that "women customarily make quantities of pottery." This once again emphasises that the Native people were very skilled in using the natural resources around them.
Finally, Bourgmont states that "If one wants to settle these countries, it is necessary to place plenty of people there." This suggests that there was plenty of competition for land and ultimately the majority would outweigh the minority, thus this provides one of the reasons for the decline and extinction of some Native Americans.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Account of an Early Settler

'Account of the discovery of the Buffalo, 1599' is taken from and tells the story of a Spanish expedition searching for herds of cattle in the West of America and their accidental discovery of the buffalo.

This article describes all aspects of their trip including encounters with the natives that allows us to get an idea into the relationships the Spanish tried to develop. The extract below shows how the explorers exploited the knowledge of the land in exchange for western goods.
'The sargento mayor gave presents to all and won them over. He asked them for a guide to the cattle and they furnished one very willingly'.

The explorers also detail how they set up a corral to try and enclosure their new prize but were shocked by the aggressive behaviour by the buffalo which was not seen with western cattle such as cows or goats:
'they killed three of our horses and badly wounded forty, for their horns are sharp and fairly long. They attack from the side putting their head far down, so that whatever they seize they tear very badly'.
This is an example of that parts of America were still unexplored and shows how these journeys into the unknown could be extremely dangerous.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Muslim World still anti-Western Despite Obama is a Islamic website with a strong anti-western feeling. The article examines this feeling throughout the muslim world and looks specifically at opinion of the USA. It claims that the majority of muslims blame America for their troubles. The article also debates whether President Obama's efforts to improve America's relationship with the muslim world have been effective which by the looks of the opinion polls studied in the article shows that he doesn't seem to have succeeded in this. The article suggests the cause of the problems between the USA and the muslim world are rooted in history and no amount of positive actions by President Obama will change this.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Foreign views of America
I chose this article by the Tehran Times which is a Iranian article it also is significant as Iran is in what is previously known as 'The Axis of Evil'. This article is extremely anti-American as you can tell from the language in it. Comparing the deaths in the Afghanistan conflict to the holocaust which is an incredible comparison given the reason for being in Afghanistan.
There has been a lot of tension between Iran and the U.S. since the late 70's. It was greatly increased with the invasion of the middle east when Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded. Iran doesn't see the presence of the U.S. in the middle-east as a positive move as they see it as a western invasion of some sorts. There was alos tension with the Arab Spring which was greatly supported by the U.S. and feircly opposed by the Iranien government. America looked to push it's influence against Iran to its full as they believe they are making nuclear weapons which, America hypocritically has but fear foreign countries having them. It is clear within this article that they are against the war that America is involved in and by using statistics and strong language you are able to see how negative this article is to the U.S.

I chose to analise this Chinease article on the relationship between China and Obama as I feel that the relationship between the two countries is an important one due to their economic and social influence on the world. The blog discusses two articles from two different websites on thier view on Obama and how he has effected China. The article from Hexun suggests that Obama will put a dampen on the foriegn trade market as opposed to the some what out of control policy under Bush. The article includes the phrase 'The pressure is great for chinease foriegn trade'followed by a letter Obama sent to a textile organisation in the US promising to put pressure on China to reduce exports. This thus makes you think the relationship between the two is negative, however the article goes on to suggest a common ground between the two as they work together to solve the current financial crisis.

The article from Sina projects a far more positive Chinease attitude towards Obama pointing out that he has a reputation for pragmatism considering any possible policy changes towards China. This shows how Obama ia willing to help China ia crisis suggesting an alliance which is relevent to America because if they are ever in trouble they will have a strong alliance. The article then somewhat explains this positive relationship explaining how Obama spent four of his formative years in Indonesia leaving him with a positive attidude on Asia.

What The World Thinks Of America

The German news website "Deutsche Welle" has produced this article regarding America's hope for an increase in foreign investment. In general, the article presents a critical view on this proposal, for example the author Christina Bergmann describes the promotion of foreign investment in America as "a rather unusual topic." The author therefore implies that she disagrees with the discussion of this topic as a solution to America's economic problems.
Bergmann continues in this negative manner as she states "The situation is so dire that even rival companies have become partners." This quote suggests that American companies allege to share each others interests, but in reality companies are merely interested in the profits they can produce for themselves. On the other hand, it may be unfair to automatically assume that American companies have selfish motives because they may be attempting to solve America's economic problems.
The article also addresses the issue of Americanisation or globalization as Peter Solmssen, part of the board of directors from the German company 'Siemens,' explains that his company feels "very American." The idea of Americanisation can be seen as an exaggeration of America's influence on the world, however this source is an indication that the theory is a reality. Consequently, freedom and individuality are removed from foreign companies which is likely to create frustration.
America is then compared to China and India, perhaps with the purpose of downgrading the superiority of America, as the author states that America "is lacking skilled workers." Although the article contains quotations from sources that are able to support this claim, this is nevertheless a criticism of America's policies. The comparison to other worldwide countries that are successful in foreign investment suggests that America will soon demise if it chooses not to follow in the footsteps of others, seeing as China is predicted to become the richest nation in roughly thirty years time.
One of the issues with foreign companies expanding into the US is "the increasing health insurance costs." There is no positive aspect of this displayed in the article, however the cost of health insurance can be beneficial for those who can afford it as they receive the best health care available. Additionally, the question arises of whether or not the cost of health insurance is enough to deter companies from expanding into America, because it is likely that the outcomes would outweigh the means if America is the land of opportunity.
Overall, this article highlights come of the criticisms of America from another countries perspective, however articles can sometimes contain personal opinions that fail to project the countries opinion therefore the source must be questioned. However, it may indicate a change in opinion of Barack Obama because his strategies are questioned in this article.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Map analyse

This map shows the most negative aspects of each state in USA. Also, posted with this map was an alternate map which gave the most positive aspect of each state. Apparently, most of the ‘shameful’ things about each state can be backed up by reliable statistics, which means the map gives us a realistic insight to the negative side of America’s states. When juxtaposed with all the ‘awesome’ things about each state, this make becomes even more interesting as for some states it shows important correlations between the good and bad aspects of each state. For example, the worst thing about Ohio is that it is supposedly the nerdiest state and the best thing about it is that it has the highest library usage. However, many of the relationships between the good and bad don’t make sense.

Map of America

This map of America shows some of the stereotypes that surround the country. America is synonomous with aspects from a foreign view point for example their problems with obesity in which an area of the country is named 'obesity epidemic'. It is very generalistic of certain American states also. I think this map has real significance in what some people see when they think of America in terms of it's diversity even though this isn't what could be called a serious description of America. Americans are on a serious not generalised in other ways such as; the South west east north, by coast, accent, ethnicity, political agenda (hippies in Washington State).


This map that I found on 'Stange Maps' outlines where there are the most single males, and single females living in the United States. Blue representing single males and red representing single females. I found this map interesting as socially a persons 'Relationship Status' is what drives the actions of everybody not just in America but in the world. What this map is showing is that the most male singles live on the West Coast and the female singles live on the East Coast. 'Strange Maps' makes a very interesting analysis asking the question, due to there being most male singles on the West Coast is that why there is the most gun crime in LA? Following this, if there are the most single females on the East Coast is that why 'Sex and the City ' was filmed in New York instead of LA? Leaving the question hanging, if everybody just met in the middle would it make our lives a whole lot easier?

Friday, 7 October 2011

Olympic Medals Map

This map of the 2004 Olympic Games demonstrates America's success in sport, as they won the most medals with Russia following close behind. Although America has a huge obesity problem, this map shows that there are many fit and healthy American citizens who are achieving the American dream by becoming successful athletes. Furthermore, although the map doesn't specify the ethnicity of the medal winners, America encompasses people from many ethnic backgrounds therefore it is likely that ethnic minorities were also successful in these games, illustrating the equality of the nation. On the other hand, it could be argued that America and Russia were only successful because they have large populations, therefore they are more likely to produce professional athletes. In addition, America is one of the richest countries in the world, consequently athletes have access to the most advanced technical equipment which may seem unfair as poorer countries don't have this luxury.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Map - Evolution

This map shows where, and to what standard the theory of evolution is taught in schools throughout the USA. As you can see there are still many states that refuse to ignore the ideas from the bible which claim that God made the Earth and everything on it.
It is interesting to see that the 'red' states are not just located in the so called 'bible belt' of America but are instead spread throughout the country. The theory of evolution is a disputed subject in parts of the US due to strong religious beliefs. However, the religious states of North and South Carolina scored satisfactory which shows that even though they are located on the 'bible belt', they still believe that the teaching of this theory is important.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Positive Image

I believe one of the best things about America is the way they almost enforce their constitution and democracy (debatable I know). Especially with the freedom to protest and the freedom of information act which has always kept many politicians on their toes. They are also very involved in the politics of the nation from the grass roots level which is to an extent what makes it the most democratic and fair society in the world (arguably).

Negative Image

I chose this photo as it shows the border between the United States and Mexico. People remember the civil rights yet there is little said about the poor treatment of 'aliens' and their treatment when they cross the border. The U.S had declared a war almost on immigration especially with the border states such as Arizona looking to put in strict and harsh laws designed to remove illegal immigrants. It is also good to know about the 'minutemen' who probe the border and use any force necessary in order to halt any assailants. Apologies for this being late...I am very bad with computers.

Positive Image

I chose this image of a group at an american summer camp because I think that it gives off a positive image of unity and friendship within America. I think that America is partly famous for its yearly summer camps for youths where they get the opportunity to make new friends, come together and have a great time. With so many negative things that have occoured over the years within America I find this image almost refreshing as it shows that it is still possible to have fun and come together regardless of what else is going on. I think this image projects the idea of an 'escape' for youths giving them a reason for hope and excitement within their country.

Negative Image

I believe this picture of Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan ( Both American celebrities) are projecting a negative body image to the women and girls across America. Eating disorders have always been aparent in America and the world. But images of popular figurs such as these have a majour influence on the youth of the country due to the power of the media and the celebrity culture in America. This image therefore acts as an idellic model of what a woman/girls should look like in America, making the viewrs feel they must copy this image leading to an lack of confidence, self esteem and a healthy diet and lifestlye across America in an attempt to 'fit in'.

Positive Image

I found choosing a positive image of America a difficult thing to do compared to finding a negative one, the one thing my mind did keep going back to is the love most Americans seem to have for their country.I think this picture of a house flying the American flag is positive image because it shows the patriotism that an ordinary American citizen has for their country.